- thermionic emission
- термоелектронна емісія
English-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics. 2013.
English-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics. 2013.
thermionic emission — n. the phenomenon of electron or ion emission from the heated surface of a conductor * * * ▪ physics discharge of electrons from heated materials, widely used as a source of electrons in conventional electron tubes (e.g., television picture … Universalium
thermionic emission — n. the phenomenon of electron or ion emission from the heated surface of a conductor … English World dictionary
Thermionic emission — Closeup of the filament on a low pressure mercury gas discharge lamp showing white thermionic emission mix coating on the central portion of the coil. Typically made of a mixture of barium, strontium and calcium oxides, the coating is sputtered… … Wikipedia
thermionic-emission current — termoelektroninė srovė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. thermionic current; thermionic emission current; thermoelectronic current vok. Glühelektronenstrom, m; Glühemissionsstrom, m rus. термоэлектронный ток, m; ток термоэлектронной … Automatikos terminų žodynas
thermionic emission — therm·ion·ic emission .thər (.)mī än ik n emission of particles (as electrons) from materials at high temperature due to the heat energy imparted to them * * * the emission of electrons and ions by incandescent bodies … Medical dictionary
thermionic emission — noun the emission of electrons from very hot substances • Syn: ↑thermal emission • Hypernyms: ↑emission … Useful english dictionary
Emission — may refer to: * Flue gas, also: ** Exhaust gas, flue gas occurring as a result of the combustion of a fuel * Emission of air pollutants * Emission (electromagnetic radiation), the process by which the energy of a photon is released by another… … Wikipedia
thermionic current — n. a current resulting from directed thermionic emission, as the flow of emitted electrons from a heated cathode to the plate … English World dictionary
thermionic power converter — ▪ electronics Introduction also called thermionic generator, thermionic power generator, or thermoelectric engine any of a class of devices that convert heat directly into electricity using thermionic emission rather than first… … Universalium
Thermionic converter — A thermionic converter consists of a hot electrode which thermionically emits electrons over a potential energy barrier to a cooler electrode, producing a useful electric power output. Caesium vapor is used to optimize the electrode work… … Wikipedia
thermionic — adj. of or relating to electrons emitted from a substance at very high temperature. Phrases and idioms: thermionic emission the emission of electrons from a heated source. thermionic valve (US tube) a device giving a flow of thermionic electrons… … Useful english dictionary